Find the right CDT dental procedure codes quickly and efficiently with our advanced CDT Code Finder. Whether you’re searching by code, category, or keyword, our tool provides instant access to accurate descriptions of the most commonly used dental codes. Covering everything from diagnostic, preventive, and restorative procedures to orthodontics and adjunctive services, this user-friendly search tool is designed to streamline dental billing and coding for professionals. Save time and reduce errors with our comprehensive CDT code lookup solution.
CDT Code Finder
D1000 - Preventive
- D1110: Prophylaxis - Adult
- D1120: Prophylaxis - Child
- D1206: Topical Fluoride Varnish
- D1208: Topical Fluoride
- D1351: Sealant - Per Tooth
- D1353: Sealant Repair
- D1510: Space Maintainer - Fixed
- D1515: Space Maintainer - Bilateral
- D1550: Recement Space Maintainer
- D1555: Removal of Space Maintainer
D2000 - Restorative
- D2140: Amalgam - One Surface
- D2150: Amalgam - Two Surfaces
- D2160: Amalgam - Three Surfaces
- D2330: Resin-Based Composite - One Surface
- D2331: Resin-Based Composite - Two Surfaces
- D2391: Resin-Based Composite - Posterior One Surface
- D2392: Resin-Based Composite - Posterior Two Surfaces
- D2740: Crown - Porcelain/Ceramic
- D2750: Crown - Porcelain Fused to Metal
- D2790: Crown - Full Gold
D3000 - Endodontics
- D3220: Therapeutic Pulpotomy
- D3310: Root Canal - Anterior
- D3320: Root Canal - Bicuspid
- D3330: Root Canal - Molar
- D3346: Retreatment - Anterior
- D3347: Retreatment - Bicuspid
- D3348: Retreatment - Molar
- D3351: Apexification - Initial
- D3352: Apexification - Interim
- D3353: Apexification - Final
D4000 - Periodontics
- D4210: Gingivectomy - Quadrant
- D4211: Gingivectomy - Per Tooth
- D4240: Gingival Flap Procedure
- D4260: Osseous Surgery - Quadrant
- D4341: Scaling & Root Planing - Quadrant
- D4342: Scaling & Root Planing - 1-3 Teeth
- D4355: Full Mouth Debridement
- D4381: Localized Delivery of Antimicrobial
- D4910: Periodontal Maintenance
- D4920: Unscheduled Dressing Change
D5000 - Prosthodontics (Removable)
- D5110: Complete Denture - Maxillary
- D5120: Complete Denture - Mandibular
- D5130: Immediate Denture - Maxillary
- D5140: Immediate Denture - Mandibular
- D5211: Partial Denture - Maxillary
- D5212: Partial Denture - Mandibular
- D5225: Flexible Denture - Maxillary
- D5226: Flexible Denture - Mandibular
- D5281: Removable Unilateral Partial Denture
- D5410: Adjust Complete Denture - Maxillary
D6000 - Implant Services
- D6010: Surgical Placement of Implant
- D6012: Implant - Mini
- D6040: Implant - Eposteal
- D6050: Implant - Transosteal
- D6055: Connecting Bar
- D6065: Implant Crown - Porcelain
- D6066: Implant Crown - Gold
- D6081: Implant Scaling and Debridement
- D6095: Implant Supported Bridge
- D6110: Implant Denture - Maxillary
D7000 - Oral Surgery
- D7140: Extraction - Erupted Tooth
- D7210: Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth
- D7220: Removal of Impacted Tooth - Soft Tissue
- D7230: Removal of Impacted Tooth - Partial Bony
- D7240: Removal of Impacted Tooth - Full Bony
- D7250: Surgical Removal of Root
- D7280: Surgical Access for Implant
- D7310: Alveoloplasty - Quadrant
- D7320: Alveoloplasty - Per Arch
- D7410: Excision of Benign Lesion
D8000 - Orthodontics
- D8010: Limited Orthodontic Treatment - Primary Dentition
- D8020: Limited Orthodontic Treatment - Transitional Dentition
- D8030: Limited Orthodontic Treatment - Adolescent Dentition
- D8040: Limited Orthodontic Treatment - Adult Dentition
- D8080: Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment - Adolescent Dentition
- D8090: Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment - Adult Dentition
- D8210: Removable Appliance Therapy
- D8220: Fixed Appliance Therapy
- D8680: Orthodontic Retention
- D8692: Replacement of Lost Retainer
D9000 - Adjunctive General Services
- D9110: Palliative Treatment of Dental Pain
- D9120: Fixed Partial Denture Recementation
- D9210: Local Anesthesia
- D9211: Regional Block Anesthesia
- D9212: Trigeminal Division Block Anesthesia
- D9222: Deep Sedation - First 15 Minutes
- D9223: Deep Sedation - Each Additional 15 Minutes
- D9230: Inhalation of Nitrous Oxide
- D9241: IV Sedation - First 30 Minutes
- D9242: IV Sedation - Each Additional 15 Minutes